12 Habits Of Successful People By Ugandan Businessman Patrick Bitature

Patrick Bitature is a household name in Uganda. Bitature is a Ugandan businessman, entrepreneur and author. According to Wikipedia, He is the founder, chairman and Group CEO of the Simba Group of Companies which is primarily based in East Africa. The Simba Group of Companies started in 1998 with the flagship telecom business but has since grown to a conglomerate of East Africa-based companies spanning telecoms, properties, power generation, agro-business, mining, tourism and media.

In 2019, our contributing writer, Racheal was privileged to attend a session where Bitature shared 12 habits of successful people with a group of enthusiastic youth. We are pleased to share them with you today:

Success is about forming consistent habits. Why? Because habits protect you, keep you organized and form your character. These habits give you an edge over your peers. Do you have consistent habits? What are they?

  1. Set goals. There is power in goal setting. Do this by writing them down on paper and remember to implement them. Keep revisiting them until they come to pass. What goals have you set? How far are you with achieving them? Create a consistent pattern of achieving your goals. Keep doing it, until it becomes a part of you.
  2. Keep your focus. Don`t let what you have or don`t have to affect your focus. Do not let the lack of your clothes, shoes, phone, hair, a desired height cause disruption in your pursuit of success.
  3. Take care of your body. Good health must be a priority for all. To achieve your set goals, your body ought to be functioning at its best. Do not ignore your health at the expense of making money. Start now to indulge in proper eating habits, drink water, get a workout routine that suits you, have enough rest and do whatever it takes to keep in good health.
  4. Read widely. Leaders are readers. There is something you do not know that can be found in a book and online material. Get reading every day. You are guaranteed to learn something new from different books. Read about the people and the business you`re in. Keep updated.
  5. Have a plan. You can`t do anything well without a plan. For any business to succeed, you must have a proper plan, short and long-term. Never start anything without a plan.
  6. What product/ service are you offering? You must be sure of what you are offering to the market. Your surety is what sets you apart from the already existing products/services. Now that you are certain about your product/service, what`s your marketing strategy? How will you get your product/service known?
  7. Do your research and learn from others. Know all about your business. The pros and cons, who else is doing it, seasons for the business. Make sure you do extensive research before you start the business and also during the duration of your business. The research never ends. Learn the business language. Learn from those who are already in business. Use google and network. Learn how to write a business letter, and make receipts and quotations. Learn all you can learn on this matter.
  8. Have proper financial systems. Do not mix business money with personal development money. Streamline all systems and watch the business grow in leaps and bounds. Hire someone to do the financial systems in case you are not well equipped to do it. But please have an understanding of what is going on in the business.
  9. Business partnership:  Partner with people who have what you do not have. Get people on board who compliment you. They will add flair and spice to the business. Find out what your strengths and weaknesses are. These help you to know where to specialize and who to hire for the business.
  10. Experimenting and decision-making. As the leader in your business, hear other people out and appreciate their opinions. However, make the right decisions for the business. Don`t be afraid to experiment. In experimenting, you learn the right way to do and not to do something. Your business will benefit from this greatly.
  11. Stay around progressive people. These are people who are achieving their set goals, taking on opportunities and progressing in all areas of their businesses. You can`t be around such people and not be challenged to be better.
  12. Pace yourself. Mr Bitature built Protea Marriot, a four-star hotel to host guests for the Commonwealth meeting held in Uganda in 2007 and now he has built Naguru Skyz Hotel ten years later. Don`t be in a rush. Understand your business patterns and make decisions based on those patterns not what others are doing.

There you have it, entrepreneurs, try the habits of successful people brought to you by Mr Bitature. We hope that you learn and apply some of the habits if not all. Remember, leaders, are readers and they are consistent.