Business training helped me streamline my business operations


Mugisha Gerald, owns a kiosk shop on Kalangala island. Mugisha like many small business owners was in the business for survival. He never had any systems to enable him to track business proceedings and had never planned for the growth of his business. He spent money from the business without accountability and was simply getting by. He signed up for the Kyusa training and his eyes were opened to the different things he needed to change in how he was doing business to ensure business growth and sustainability. After the Business Plus ICT training, he has been able to generate some operational guidelines for his business and is working on developing systems to enable him to grow and scale.

In his own words…

“In my business, I didn’t know whether am making profits or losses, I would wake up and set a price depending on my feeling and sometimes would set it below the average market price. All this was because I didn’t keep records and I would only count money in the drawer at the end of the day. Sometimes I would forget to account for some customers who would take items on credit. I attended the Kyusa training and for sure I have changed. I learnt that I have to always record all the transactions, be it stocking, sales, expenses, incomes and debts. I have to always save to be able to fulfill my vision. I wish more trainings such as these ones keep coming in our communities. I thank our Facilitator Arnold for the important trainings delivered to us.”


At Kyusa, we support entrepreneurs to build strong foundations for businesses. We deliver practical business training sessions on core business concepts such -as record keeping, customer discovery, human resource management in small businesses, business sustainability and governance among others. We aim to ensure youth-led businesses can stand the test of time, scale and create more jobs for youth in the respective communities. If we can support more ‘Geralds’ in our communities to grow, we can accelerate job creation, community transformation and economic development.