M&E specialist actualizes her dream of starting a business


Priscilla Achom is a monitoring and evaluation specialist in Soroti District and also owns a business called PRISSY PRODUCE where she sells and grinds groundnuts along with other produce such as posho, Rice, sugar and beverages. When Priscilla first joined the kyusa program, she had a business idea of starting up a small produce shop as an investment. It was during this training that she picked the inspiration and courage to actualize this business idea. With the capital she had saved up from her monthly earnings, Priscilla bought an electrical grinding machine.

Within a week’s time, Priscilla started generating money from the grinding machine. She was even more fortunate because, at the time of establishing her business, most schools were opening for a new term. Many students would need to grind Gnuts as they returned to school.

Priscilla further explains that she benefitted a lot from the customer discovery module because for a few months she kept on stocking her shop with Rwenzori water bottles and wondered why the stock was stagnant. She exclaims it was after the kyusa program that she learnt the importance of knowing her customers. According to Priscilla most of her customers are Boda-boda riders and students and these customers prefer buying water at shs100 as compared to the Rwenzori water bottles which cost shs1000. After benefiting from this module, Priscilla has since then started packing water of shs100 in order to cater to her customers and this strategy she says has worked well for her business.

In her own words…

For a very long time I feared to invest in any business for fear that it would quickly collapse because of competition with other entrepreneurs however, because of the training, I picked on the courage to start up my produce shop and I believe that with the skills I have attained in this training my business can only advance. Kyusa taught me never to be intimidated by other competitors regardless of how ambiguous and established their businesses seem but to stay focused on growing my business while offering quality services to my customers. I am grateful to Kyusa for the business tips and skills, I have been able to grow my business and increase customers within a short space of time. I have also started supplying Gnuts to nearby Restaurants and shops. The program has indeed been of great support to my Business.

I am optimistic about the future of PRISSY PRODUCE because Kyusa opened my eyes to the possibilities. Two years from now I envision this business as the one stock shopping center for Gnuts in the whole of Soroti region and also becoming a major supplier for other stores. I encourage other young and potential entrepreneurs to sign up for the Kyusa training and be equipped with skills on how to successfully start and grow your businesses”


Starting a business is a leap of faith for many people more so for women who have limited capital at their disposal. The fear of failure is one of the biggest challenges that people have to deal with when they opt to start a business. This fear can be minimized or even demystified like with Priscilla when one has the right information and support for starting a successful business. Knowledge is power and this is so true in business.

At kyusa, we are committed to supporting entrepreneurs to successfully start and grow their businesses.